Designing the Magic of Love

It was absolutely amazing to contribute to the beginning of Project Love. Thursday’s event got me really excited about the potential of this passionate and dedicated community of designers. Looking forward to taking Project Love to the next stage!

There are so many people I want to give a shout to. In no particular order:

  • Kam Chana for her advice and support. Storybench would simply not exist without Kam – she was the one to put the original Empathy team together
  • Harvey McKellar for getting involved and bringing his wonderful journey to the Storybench project. I am in awe with the passion you have poured into the 25 degrees bench project
  • Clive Grinyer for planting the seeds of Project love and carefully helping it grow. Thank you for your support to the project.
  • Olivia Li for her help during the event and for eagerly standing in as a model for the Storybench project
  • Ally Bayet. While you could not attend the event, your work has made the event a success! Looking forward to meet you in person.
  • Mark Vernon for bringing Dante Alighieri into Project Love
  • Rama Gheerawo for his inspiring talk about Creative Leadership
  • Angie Hobbs and Ali Maggioncalda for their feedback and ideas
  • Mohammed Mohammed and Jonathan Lever for making this project possible through the Fetzer Foundation
  • Rids, Richard, Fran and Vridi for making me laugh 😂