‘How did you break both ankles?’ I asked the girl I met at this Ramsden Road bench. She was enjoying an ice cream, sat down wearing heavy ankle braces on both her legs. It seems she had broken both ankles. Wow, and how?! ‘I was dancing in super high heels. It was a smashing party!’ She said. I laughed. She laughed too, as she noticed I had both my arms in ugly white casts after breaking both of my wrists playing tennis, that well known dangerous sport.
So, which is worse we debated. Not being able to walk and move or not being able to do mostly anything with your hands! Elbows it seems are quite useful it turns out, as is a bidet. We sat on this bench and laughed about all the silly situations we got ourselves into whilst in braces and casts. All the sympathy from thoughtful strangers, convalescing during a hot summer and the fear of getting back on the tube. It was a weird and joyful moment of connection with a stranger at this bench. Each time I pass the bench I smile and wonder if she is back in her high heels at another party. I certainly am back on the tennis court with a bag full of funny stories to share!